Noob Scaming - Is This Right?
Article By: Mr Penguin12
Proofread By: Carnivo and Monk Basher
Coded By: Juansito
I have seen cases in which lower level players are trying to sell something, and a higher level player offers an outrageously low price. I wondered if that was the cause for only a few, and why do they do it. I decided to investigate, so i created a noob, eliquently named "xxzezimasn00bzz". You have to use Zezima in your name, it shows people that you are a noob trying to pose as Zezima. I gave my noob full rune and a santas hat, and went to world one Varrock square.
I was saying, "Hit 555 to buy full rune!" It wasn't until long someone hit 555. I noticed that he was lvl 72. I put up my full rune to be met by a mere 50k. I said, "Isn't it a little more?" He said, "It's 50k! Isn't that a lot for you?" This kinda ticked me off. I received these trades:
A ruby, a diamond, and full addy
50 lobsters and an addy large
As you can see, these aren't really good prices. I decided to ask why they would offer such low prices for my full rune, and collect some data. I came to this conclusion:
It seems that higher level players think that lower level ones are ignorant, and do not know about the game. They think that the low level player will think that 50k is so much money, that they would accept in a heartbeat. Higher level players try to take advantage of realitively new players by basically scamming them. Is it right to scam new players out of their items? You decide, but I personally think that it's unmoral to treat lower level players like idiots, and take advantage of their lack of experience to make a huge profit. I've found most people do this. Now you must ask yourself, do you? If so, I think that you should stop treating noobs like dirt, and maybe give them advise on merchanting. You might say that it's what they deserve for offering you 202 gp for a santa hat, but not all lower level people are noobs and annoying people. I have personally met some level 3's who don't know exactly how the game runs, but are willing to work for their money, and not just try to scam for it or beg for it. What am I trying to say? Treat noobs like people and don't try to scam them.
I know that noobs can be annoying, but don't take advantage of their lack of experience.