The Madness Continues?
NOTE: Possible Quest Spoilers are in this article. If you do not want to find out about them, do not read this article until you have finished the Monkey Madness Quest.
Not so long ago around the beginning of December (Dec. 6th) a new quest called Monkey Madness was issued to players as, "one of the longest and most challenging quests yet," stated by JAGeX Inc. themselves in their update section. During the course of this quest you learn about the secrets from the long passed Grand Tree Quest as the continuing story. You end up finding out in the cinematics for each part of the quest that Glough, the Monkey King, and apparently Waydar are in a plot to stop the Gnomes and the Human Race once and for all. This leads you to find out that even if the Jungle Demon is destroyed during the Quest to finish it, that they have a back-up plan at the ready to continue with their mission, and of course you are required to keep your 10th Squad Sigil when the time comes to once again save the day for the Gnomes and Humankind from Glough and his army.
Now, possible evidence to back up my factors are that in the old Monkey Temple Basement where you forge a Monkey Speak Amulet there is a path going down the steps to a large room that is guarded by a lock-pickable door, but JAGeX made that door unable to be picked, as I am sure of that since I am 82 Thieving and have tried countless times to open it up, even with a lock-pick. In this large room is also a strange Monkey Skull item that is guarded by countless numbers of Monkey Zombies apparently this item seems to be an important factor to the evidence of the next quest, by possibly stopping the resurrection of a ancient Monkey Lord or so to speak. The next possible evidence is that there are some unused areas on this island, such as the old broken huts near the waterfalls there are also some NPCs that have no real use in the Monkey Madness quest. By simply searching around as a monkey you find out more information every day about a new quest coming from the areas and deeper roots into Glough’s Plot.
Pictures for Evidence:
A small map of the Monkey Temple Basement.
The skull picture inside the large room.
The "Unpickable" Door.
Written by - NintendoDude
Proofread by - Poison333
Coded by - NintendoDude