Future Updates that
you should Expect
• Hello Villagers, did you know that in the future each member will have
there own house? In this house you may post notes, passages, and even riddles
to people and if they get it right, they would private message you and tell
you the answer. Cool right? Wait till you get to the other info… (Keep
• If you haven’t been on the Runescape forums lately, then you are totally missing out on all the good information. The next future update will be that there will be a skill that you may plant and farm. Now it would be easier to get garlic, cabbage, tomatoes, rotten tomatoes, potatoes, limes, lemons, barriers, grapes, wheat and ect. When this update occurs you would start by doing the “Waterfall Quest” and plant the forty Mithril seeds and you would get at least two to three levels. From there you pant and harvest the plants and then you would get your fruit. Then you would eat it and get more seeds from the fruits and you keep on going till you get levels. But you should eat carefully, or you may eat rotten fruit without even knowing it! The fruit may spoil by having it to long or ants on it.
• Private (Drop) parties are cool aren’t they? Well know there will be a private drop party host. The leader would make the decision whether there would be telegrabbing or not, running or walking, size of room, amount of people, and maybe a bit of a cash to host. It may also be similar to the Party Pete Party Palace.
• Good update for you, non-members: Well if you non-members have been waiting for an update you’re about to get one! If you think having a ring of wealth is cool, well it isn’t really that cool. I you would like something to increase your chances to get 7% good chance for a good drop. You would only put it on when the monster or NPC is almost dead. So use it wisely.
• As we all know quests are coming and there not going to stop coming out, if I’m right there will be one quest per week or per month. (There’s more to this one read the next bulletin.)
• As we know, most
of the time you get quests your most likely to get new weapons, lands, worlds,
and ect.
Well that’s it for now, but I will keep you covered with updates. Have fun!
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By Zone Ant
Proofread By HG
Coded by Juaninzze