Interview with Enielle
Livestrong: G' day
Enielle: hey ^_^
Livestrong: When did you first join Runevillage?
Enielle: August the... 11th? 2003
Livestrong: Had you been playing Runescape before it or looking for somewhere just to hang out with Tibur?
Livestrong: and other friends too
Enielle: I played rs before it. I'd been playing about a year... I met mrluva, we became friends,
and he told me to check rv out.
Livestrong: I see.
Enielle: at the time I used runescape central for guides and stuff, but 1 week on rv changed that.
Livestrong: How many warnings have you had in your entire runevillage career?
Enielle: hmmm lemme think...
Enielle: 4, I think.
Livestrong: wow, of course, you can't compete with mord...
Enielle: one for replacing the 'kick' in kickflip with something else... one for cussing at myself,
and 2 for flaming as I remember it.
Livestrong: Enielle, you shouldn't have said that bout kickflip, of course, lol
Livestrong: When did the Big Nose inform you about being an assistant mod?
Enielle: Actually, I got a pm from hiker asking if I want to be a forum mod.
Livestrong: Mhmm,
Livestrong: but you're an assistant mod... you're confusing me...
Enielle: but somehow I ended up as asst. which is okay with me, as I get more forums than
some forums mods, and a better choice of them.
Livestrong: lol!
Enielle: and I get my name under the forums, which forum mods dont.
Enielle: asst mods are better, it's actually a conspiracy.
Livestrong: Yesh that's true.
Livestrong: Do you have any asst. forum mod picks that you don't agree with?
Enielle: There are a couple I havent heard of, but I'm sure they'll all prove themselves good picks..
as long as a mod's active I have no problem with them.
Livestrong: Ok, last question. If you had one cookie and you were full, which person would you give it to?
Enielle: ooo
Enielle: Happylizard, she loves cookies
Livestrong: lol!
Enielle: or I might just put it in my pocket for later.
Livestrong: Thanks for your time!
Livestrong: See ya, I gotta split.
Written by - Livestrong, Proofread by - Poison333, & Coded by - Poison333