Interview with Crazy Jedi
- How did you find RuneVillage?
- - Probably the same way that everyone else did. When I was a wee level 27 clad in black armour on the Prince Ali
rescue quest, I searched for some help with that quest, searching for "RuneScape quest guides". Surely enough, there
was Rune Village as one of the first few sites to appear.
If you're asking about how I got into the forums, I simply wanted to experience an internet forum for myself, so
I figured that while I was at a RuneScape fansite, I would post my thoughts and ideas for RuneScape. But Rune
Village has a lot more to offer than the RuneScape related forums. Rune Village is my first internet forum and
it's been a great experience for me.
- What is your favorite Color?
- - If it were classified as a color, it would be camouflage. I tend to wear camouflage shorts year round. I'm one
sick kid, I know. But for the sake of something that's actually a color to be in lieu of camo, it would have to be
black. It's a very neutral color to me, and in my opinion, it goes with anything, be it choosing clothes for the day,
or choosing my outfit for my RuneScape character. So maybe I have a bad taste in clothes? They're just clothes.
- How did you get your screen name?
- - It's just a spoof that some kid came up with before I graduated high school. In Spanish class, he jokingly said
that he would form a Mexican Punk Band called "The Crazy Jedis"... I suppose they would've been singing in Spanish if
he wasn't fooling around in class so much, and it obviously never happened, which is a good thing. Why I actually
chose the name is because I'm a very silly person at times, so I decided to choose a silly screen name. Even though I may
not appear silly online, I'm really one of the silliest people to hang out with. I was hoping that the screen name
would also keep away RuneScape players who have IQ levels less than that of a raisin and, for reasons we will never
know in this lifetime, enjoy begging or asking the same annoying questions day after day, but unfortunately it seems
to serve a completely dissimilar purpose. Go figure. Some people tell me that I have a cool screen name. They need
- Do you have any pets?
- - None that I'm proud of. I've had a dog for a few weeks at one point, but every other pet ownership I've beared
through wasn't a very pleasant experience. Right now I have some tropical fish, but that doesn't seem thrilling enough
to me in order to warrant the name "pet" for them. It just isn't the norm to reach into a crummy crock of creatures
from the sea and attempt to pet them, so why do people call them pets?
- What’s the hardest part of being a mod?
- - I haven't been a moderator for that long, but so far besides just getting used to moderator status is the
criticism I've received and sometimes people aren't happy with your decisions but you try to use your best
judgement. The criticism comes especially when you aren't popular, you don't tend to get a warm reception from
a lot of people... but I hope that I have set an example for those who want to be mods, and that is that becoming
a moderator is *not* a popularity contest. In the words of Hiker, just be a good Villager, and becoming a mod will
take care of itself.
- How old are you?
- - I'm eighteen years old right now, but RuneScape players that I get to know usually think I'm a lot older, and
like to call me names like "old prune" and "grandpa"... which is why I've changed my character to look old with long
white hair and a beard... he has a wizard's costume. So, guys and gals, you all know that if you happen see Crazy Jedi,
you WILL leave him be.
Unless you intend to give him party hats. Then it's OK to interfere his training.
Written by - ZoneAnt
Proofread by - Poison333
Coded by - Poison333