Interview with Chroz
[Question] How do you feel about all the new forum moderators?
[Chroz] I've never heard of about half of em. I think only about 10 of those people really deserved it.
[Q] Are any of the new forum moderators causing any trouble?
[C] Not yet, it hasnt even been a day yet. I doubt any of them has even warned anyone.
[Q] Do you expect any problems to arise?
[C] Big time.
[Q] Care to elaborate on what kinds of problems?
[C] Fights between Board Mods and Forum Mods. Example: Board Mod 1 didnt think Forum Mod 1 deserved the job. Forum
Mod 1 heard about this and posted about it. There's our first fight. Then some Board/Forum mods side with Forum
Mod 1 and Board Mod 1, and a big fight happens.
[Q] How will the administrators affect these conflicts?
[C] They'll close the topics after about 5 pages.
[Q] Will they wait for the problem to be sorted out first?
[C] No.
[Q] Do the administrators usually do stuff like this to the moderators?
[C] Hasn't occured yet. Usually a mod will get in a fight with a normal user, and the admins can't really help resolve it.
[Q] From what you've said, the outcome looks a bit bleak. Is there anything that anyone could do to try to
prevent these situations from happening?
[C] Mods could stop talking about each other behind their backs.
[Q] What do you expect to happen in the future?
[C] We'll never have another Mod Pick again, because if we did, there will be more mod than users.
Written by - Nateman
Proofread by - Poison333
Coded by - Poison333