Prayer Pking
Are you bored of mining and cutting down trees? Are you too poor to afford to lose that full rune you have but are looking for a good time? If so, I have a solution that will be both fun and annoying to those pesky pkers. The only requirement is to be able to do protect item (protect from melee helps too).
- Get out your best weapon and head out towards the wilderness.
- Now your'e in the wilderness and thinking, "now what?" Well, this is the fun part.
You go and attack random people anywhere possible. You see, when you die, you won't lose anything. If you attack someone (especially mages) you're costing them money. A mage's only way to fight back is by using runes, and this costs money. What's great is that they won't get anything in return because when you die you'll drop nothing.
- Keep doing this (to the same person is fun) and they'll be losing money, and you're causing it. I happen to enjoy that idea. If you're lucky enough you might even get a pk.
WARNING! Make sure that you put on protect item. You don’t want to lose your item. You can also use protect from melee to give yourself a better chance but this will wear your prayer down faster, possibly so much that you can't use protect item.
This is my first try. It might look like I’m losing but I hit like 5 straight 15s after i took this and almost owned him. Unfortunately he had lobs and I didn’t...
I then attacked someone else, and made them eat at least 7 lobbies
This is when I died (note that i still have my b axe)
Written by - Mr penguin12
Proofread by - TrendyHaz; further edited by Monk Basher
Coded by - Poison333