Interview With Alex41
Insomniac: Hello Alex, thanks for agreeing to be interviewed.
Alex41: No problem.
Insomniac: First question, how long have you been at Runevillage?
Alex41: I've been here since July 23, 2003.
Insomniac: What brought you to Runevillage?
Alex41: *thinks* I think I googled RS help sites one day, and RV came up. So I looked around, and joined
because it looked like a nice place.
Insomniac: Congratulations on your promotion to Forum Moderator. How did you feel when you found out?
Alex41: I felt pretty good. I wasn't expecting it at all; there were so many other worthy candidates.
Insomniac: A lot of villagers, even some mods, have said that there are far too many mods, mostly unsuitable
for the job. Would you agree with them?
Alex41: *thinks again*
Insomniac: Hehe.
Alex41: I personally say there aren't too many mods, some of them aren't used to the job yet, and seem to go
on topic locking and post deleting rampages. I'm sure this will change as we all settle in to our new environment
and learn how to use the powers. And about the part about "Unsuitable Mods", I believe they should all be given
a chance to do good things for the village.
Insomniac: Were you a Runevillage Legend before you became mod?
Alex41: No I wasn't.
Insomniac: Which villager(s) do you look up to?
Alex41: Well, one villager that I've always looked up to is Applequest. He has intelligent opinions on almost
everything, and can do that without flaming. Meepster is also a good villager to look up to. He's done loads for
Runevillage, and things that sometime go unmentioned are to his credit.
Insomniac: Have you made close friends with any villagers during your time?
Alex41: I think I've stayed pretty neutral throughout my stay at Runevillage; I've made friends though, and maybe
a few enemies. But I haven't made close friends with too many villagers. Being neutral is good when you're a mod.
Insomniac: I can see why. Are you enjoying your new job here?
Alex41: Definitely. There are people who think that some of the new mods shouldn't be, but for the most part I've
got a pretty warm reaction. I'm eager to do good things for the village.
Insomniac: Have you warned anyone yet? XD
Alex41: Nope, luckily I haven't had to.
Insomniac: How long do you think you'll stay at RV for?
Alex41: A while... A few more years, if things go as planned.
Insomniac: Let's just hope it's still around in a few years. Okay, to finish is there anything else you'd like to
say that hasn't been asked in this interview?
Alex41: Uhh... Happy Holidays!
Insomniac: Thank you Alex41, and good luck with your moderating.
Alex41: Thanks.
Written by - Insomniac
Proofread by - Poison333
Coded by - Poison333