The "Pearl of the Ocean" Slowly Fades Away
Once in a land called Catherby a many months ago, the fish were being hauled out of the seas by the dedicated fishers tired from the endurance of these lively creatures of the ocean. Fishermen from all over RuneScape came here to fish the enormous swordfish or the infamous sharks that bred in the caves and seas near the city nicknamed the "Pearl of the ocean". Catherby was one of the most popular places at the time, with experienced fishers catching hundreds upon hundreds of different fish, hauling them on the soft, green grass lining the shores. You could spot the mighty warriors appearing from the island of the Black dragon as they sprawled theirselves onto the cool earth, gasping for air. Many appeared with charred armour and singed capes. Many fisherman offered supplies such as food and different potions to these brave warriors as they lay exhausted and de-moralized from the ancient monsters. Fishermen were so kind in those days as they had thousands of fish waiting to be roasted to sell to other warriors or travelers for extraordinary prices.
These creatures of the deep were lusted for, so fishermen from all over the
land flocked there to catch these tasty and elegant fish as these were a huge
delicacy in those days. But after the RuneScape beta revolution, fishermen
slowly started to disappear. The sea shores began to flourish with fish; packs
of sharks swam by passing huge schools of swordfish and bass. The waters had
never been so full. The most experienced people with supreme fishing skills
and arts in cooking were now wasting their abilities, as Catherby never regained
its crowded population ever again.
The cooks always used too be so busy in the old days but now must have moved
away to Ardougne to prepare mighty feasts for King Lathas and his knights.
The city was dialect and the people were shocked at this atrocious event.
They never expected many fishers since they came from far away lands near
the long and horrid wilderness, this now to be known the most visited area
in RuneScape. This was the doing of RuneScape beta and has now....ruined the
fishing capital Catherby. The fish still flourish, but the city is abandoned.
"The Pearl of the Ocean" is no more.
by Pker Ozz
Edited by Khadgar00