An Interview With Richboi0 |
Well, here I am with a good friend of mine, Richboi0. He is a dedicated worker at The Villager, and one of RuneVillage's newest Staff Members. Here's (what started out as) a short interview with him Gamestar: Hey man, so first off thanks for joining us today! Let's get down to business - How long have you been with RuneVillage now? Richboi0: No problem mate. And I've been here for around two and a half years now. Gamestar: Why did you first join us? Richboi0: I was fed up with actually, that's why I jumped ship. Gamestar: Haha, their loss! So, how has your time here been? Richboi0: Like a roller coaster, it's had many ups and downs. Gamestar: What would you say is your favorite forum? Richboi0: Probably the Villager forum, or General Chat. Gamestar: Cool. Do you have any favorite members? Richboi0: Doctor H, 123King, your good self, donut, loads of people really, Knux and Frogger too. Gamestar: Why, thank you! Would you say you have made any good friends whilst here? Richboi0: Lots, I would rather not name them all, there is a character limit . Gamestar: What do you find most enjoyable about RV? Richboi0: Seeing people enjoy my articles. Gamestar: Banana Hammock. Richboi0: I just found out what that meant, eww! Gamestar: How long have you been playing Runescape? Richboi0: Around 4 years. Gamestar: Are you still playing? Richboi0: Nope, I am retired. Gamestar: Why did you first join Runescape? Richboi0: Because everyone else did. Gamestar: Would you say you are 'addicted' to RV or RS? Richboi0: RV Gamestar: How do you feel about your new promotion? Richboi0: I am a very happy bunny. Gamestar: Were you expecting it, or was it a complete surprise?? Richboi0: I have always wanted staff, and I have discussed it once or twice, but I never thought people would actually think I deserved it. Gamestar: Well, I think you deserve it. What work do you actually do around RV, though? Richboi0: I am one of the writers for the Villager, amazingly talented, good looking, I have it all. Gamestar: You are certainly busy now, just turning 18 you are going through A2, right? So do you plan on doing any more work for us after this?? Richboi0: Of course, I could never abandon you guys, you need me too much. Gamestar: What do you plan to do after A2?? Richboi0: I'm off to Southampton University to study Law. It seems my good friend Gamestar will be joining me in a year Gamestar: Well, that's the plan xD I'm moving down there once we're ready and I have the cash ^^ Anyway, thanks for joining us! It's been.. interesting |
Written By: Gamestar Edited By: Rocky Martin Coded By: Donut Juice |