Aubury's LawYou've all heard of Murphy's Law, right? If it can go wrong, it will go wrong, and always at the worst possible time. Well here's something I picked up while Abyss RuneCrafting. I call it "Aubury's Law." 1. If the pker can be there, he will be there, and always at the worst possible time. 2. The time you double-click the altar is the time you get 99 Runecrafting. 3. The time you forget your ectophial is the time that the pker brings entangle. 4. Your computer will never lag out when not in the abyss. 5. If you become lucky enough to lag out when not in the abyss, you'll still die. 6. If you click the ectophial so you do not die by lagging out and since you can't get a random AFTER you teleport so you won't die, you'll still die when refilling it (thank you, evil chicken). 7. If there is an anti-abyss-pker watching over the area, he'll get bored and kill you anyway. 8. The day you sell your nature runes is the day the evil chicken comes to play. 9. The day you get 99 Thieving is the day you die while trying to get past the eyes. 10. If Jagex says there's one minute until an update and you get into the abyss, you will lag, log, and die, due to the update. Written By: Blackmage172 Edited By: dr henry Coded By: J@nr0k |