The Dragon Threat Book 2: The Autumn Revenge Parts 1-10Last time, on DTbook1... After Strangerr’s disappearance, everyone planned what to do next. Jamie urged to find Strangerr and finish off the Cult of the Unknown. Tahu and Rangerbane wanted to come with him. Stip believed that Zaros’s spirit was still out there, and he was going to hunt him down, and return him to his rightful place: Inside the Zaros Amulet. “I guess this is where we part.” Stip said. “Ya, I guess so.” Jamie replied. “Perhaps our paths shall cross again. I had fun. Good-Bye.” Stip turned and left. But behind them, hidden in the shadows was someone who did not care one bit about this heart-warming occasion. He grinned with a smile that would haunt a man to his dying day. His name was Strangerr. “I told you... you haven’t seen the last of me...” he whispered to himself. “Oh look... time to feed Twinteeth...” he said, and turned around and walked into the shadows. Prologue: Zaros's Prison Stupid! Absolutely Stupid! Why did I sacrifice myself for that mortal? Now I’m trapped inside the bones of my rotted corpse... which has become a display in the museum of Varrok! The old god Zaros cursed in his mind. He had recently sacrificed himself to save the true soul of the body he had inhabited. Something that the old Zaros never would have done. The day dragged on, many stepping into the museum to examine old pots and other junk, and this all annoyed Zaros greatly. What angered him even more, was people examining his rotting physique. The rotting physique that had been his home for many years, but now served as not a home, but a prison. Night fell, and night finally gave Zaros some quiet. But the silence was broken by three figures in purple robes who appeared in a flash of purple light in the center of the deserted museum. They bore the symbol of Zaros on the front of their robes. They approached Zaros's skeleton, as far as they could go until the enchantments surrounding their master stopped them. "We have come, Master Zaros." one said. The second one spoke. "We have felt that you had been torn from your amulet, and trapped inside your old, useless, body." "And," the third one finished, "We know you could guide us to the source that you need to re-enter this world. We shall bring whatever you need to be revived." Using his telekinetic abilities, Zaros spoke to them in their own heads. Find the one known as Stip45. He posseses my amulet, the only thing that can return me to a body. Go! The trio tossed an assortment of runes into the air, and disappeared in another purple flash. Part 1: The Junkyard It was a quiet morning in Varrok, but the silence was soon broken by the loud footsteps of three adventurers. One of them, holding an anti-dragon-breath shield, and wielding a mithril scimitar. The chainmail on his chest was also mithril, and had quite a few broken links. The next, wore an amulet that shone with glory, and rune armour covered the rest of his body. The last of them, wore green dragonhide armour, and held a strung willow bow. Their Names: Jamie, Tahu, and Rangerbane. Their Mission: To finish off the The Cult of the Unknown. They were headed for the Junkyard north of Varrok, which was the location of the Cult's old hideout, to look for clues to their new hideout. At the north gate of Varrok, they were stopped by a guard. "Hey! None shall pass!" the guard ordered. Jamie was the first to react to this rejection. "Why not?" "We just put some new safety measures on the city," the guard explained. "To find the one responsible for the recent dragon strikes on some banks." "You guards are living in the past! That was weeks ago! And plus, there was a big ceremony celebrating the fact that we killed that dragon. And that ceremony was in this very city?" said Tahu. "Liars!" the guard shouted. He balled his hands into fists. "You want to fight us?" Rangerbane noticed. "Ya, I can take you fellas!" the guard challenged. He removed his medium helmet to reveal a buzzed haircut, acompanying black and yellow teeth. Placing the helmet on the ground, he took his sword out of his sheath. "In my sleep!" he added. "Let’s see about that!" shouted Jamie, who had picked the helmet off the ground, and also darted behind the guard. Slamming the helmet back onto the guards head, Jamie knocked him unconscious. Tahu and Rangerbane stepped over the guard to join their partner, and continued toward the junkyard. They soon came to the familiar wooden fence, which they jumped. The stench took over the air, and everyone agreed that the Junkyard still smelt as bad as it used to. Maybe even worse. They eventually found the hole that led down, with the box that was covering it before to the side. "Ready?" Jamie asked. Tahu and Rangerbane nodded, and the group jumped down into the dark abyss. Part 2: Under the Junkyard "Oh my god..." was everyone's first reaction. Strangerr was right. Chrome had been here, there were all too obvious signs. The signs included bloody bodies scattering the area of the entrance room. One unarmed, another burnt to a crisp with a charred crossbow that seemed to have managed to avoid being burnt into ashes, and the last three holding some Rune Scimitars. Jamie, Rangerbane, and Tahu took one just in case. And also, just in case, Jamie kept his less powerful Mithril Scimitar. That decision to keep it had helped it before, and he was sure it would help now. Leaving Tahu to examine the charred crossbow, and Rangerbane to poke the unarmed guy with a stick, Jamie stepped forward into the next room. The next room was the cage room. Creaking up high was a pair of cages, which Jamie and Rangerbane had been trapped in not too long ago. In the corner of the room lied a bow with the engraving of STRANGERR. Shivering at the sight of the bow that had nearly caused him to be torn apart by the cult, he noticed that Tahu and Rangerbane had caught up. "There you are!" Rangerbane exclaimed. Tahu noticed that there were four doors in the room. One was the way they came, the others labeled: The Master Hall, a room with a rather glorious looking entrance, The Spirit Room, a dusty looking entrance next to a furnace nearby the cages, and lastly the Weapon Room. "Hey look at those doors!" he said. The group decided to split up, Tahu going to the Weapon Room, Rangerbane taking the Master Hall, leaving Jamie to the Spirit Room... Part 3: The Coded Clue Tahu stepped into the Weapon Room, a was shocked to see that it was empty, except for a single crossbow. He picked it up and began to examine it. Jamie passed the furnace, finding that it had no heat emitting from it anymore. It seemed to lead through the wall, into the Spirit Room. Stepping through the small doorway, he saw that his suspicion was correct. A manual conveyer belt ran out of the back of the long dead furnace, leading deeper into the Spirit Room. The Spirit Room was extremely dark, and Jamie could only see things within a one foot radius of himself. He took a deep breath, and began to follow the belt deeper into the room. Rangerbane entered the Master Hall, and saw, yet again, even more bodies. He stepped around the bodies, and began to search. But, he found nothing for a while. But then, he noticed a desk sitting at the back of the room. He moved ahead to search it. Tahu loaded a spare bolt from his pocket into the crossbow, attempting to see if it still worked. WHOOSH! The bolt, along with a piece of parchment was sent flying across the room. He dashed over, and picked up the sheet of parchment, and began to read. Jamie continued to follow the conveyer belt, and soon came to the end. He was shocked to see a partially melted cage, much like the one he was trapped in before. And, inside it, was a horribly disfigured skeleton. He stumbled backwards, and a tile under his foot sank into the floor. Lights filled the room, revealing to Jamie, hundreds more of the skeletons. He gasped, and fell to the ground. When he was getting up, he noticed that a nearby skeleton was clutching a sheet of parchment. He pried it out of the dead hand, and began to read. Rangerbane pulled the drawers of the desk open, one by one, to find them all empty. He did a double check, this time looking from bottom drawer to top. When he found them all empty, he slammed his fist into the top drawer. It went flying out of its space it the desk, revealing a piece of parchment where it was. He began to read. But, all he saw was a bunch of weird symbols. Frowning, he pocketed it, and made for the door. Tahu found only odd symbols when he read the sheet of parchment, and pocketed it in frustration. He picked up the crossbow, and noticed on its side, engraved it a red mineral, Phoenix. He put it in his pack, and moved toward the door. Jamie could not read the parchment, for it was covered it symbols that he knew not of. He pocketed it, and headed back into the cage room, to find Tahu and Rangerbane emerging from their rooms at the same time. In unison, the three spoke. "Hi guys, you wont believe what I found! Its some strange parchment covered in symbols." Jamie added, "Whoa... We all found one?" "Yep," Tahu replied. "And, I found a crossbow in the weapon room. But, it was a Phoenix Crossbow...." "Phoenix??? We forgot... Tahu, the Phoenix were working with the cult! And that means... Varrok may be in great danger!" Jamie realized. Rangerbane noticed a pack lying on the floor. "Hey..." he picked it up. "Wait a minute... that’s mine!" Jamie shouted. He stuffed all the stuff in his old pack into his new pack, discarding the rotten food. "Now, to Varrok, to warn the King!" The trio made for the exit, back to above the Junkyard. ___________________________________________ Part 4: Scarred Stip Someone in purple robes with an odd symbol approached Seer's Village from the east. In one hand he held a dragon halberd, and in the other he held... a block of cheese. On his neck he wore an amulet that looked like it had somehow died, for it once was purple, but now was grey. He took out a spade and dug by a tree, coming up with a goblet with the same symbol as his robes. Holding it to his amulet, his waited. Nothing happened. In frustration, he put it in his pack and entered Seers Bank. * * * * * On the other side of Seer's Village, someone about as evil looking as the one coming from the east entered from the west. A hooded black cape, along with equally black robes was what he wore. On his hooded cape ran down a red stripe, that looked like the scar that ran across his right eye. He saw the man in purple robes entering the bank. Smiling to himself, the man known as Scar span his staff in his hand, reaching in his pocket. His staff was pure black, and a red stone shaped like a flame was held by three holding stands was on top. He pulled out a knife from his pocket, and ran his finger down the sharp side slowly. His finger was cut and bleeding now, and he smiled. "Sharp..." he whispered.”I shall complete my mission... as I did before..." He kneeled to the ground, replacing his knife into his pocket and pulling a red book from under his coat. "Leave this place, follower of Zamorak!" shouted a nearby Seer. Scar just smiled and stood up, pointing his staff at the Seer. "FLAMES OF ZAMORAK!" * * * * * Stip pulled off his purple hood, and entered his bank vault. He angrily tossed The Goblet of Zaros to the ground, the cups magic enchantments stopping it from breaking. He exited his vault just to see a Seer go flying in a horrific flare across the village. "Oh geez.... that was flames of Zamorak... that can't be good." * * * * * Scar quickly kneeled again, placed his book, open, on the ground, and rubbed his bloody finger on the tip of his staff. He then read out of the book. "Thineas...Darkness....Dissiteau....Darkness....Heoest 'thas.... DARKNESS OF ZAMORAK!" A black beam shot out his staff toward the sun, blotting it out, making the land dark. He smiled, put his book away, and took his knife back out. He concentrated on a number of runes in his pack, while making for the bank. * * * * * A woodcutter was cutting down an oak tree, when suddenly the land turned dark. Odd, he thought, That’s really odd, especially for Seers Village, being all sunny all the time... He turned around to see what was wrong. The last thing he saw was a roaring fireball that engulfed him whole and sent him lifelessly flying. * * * * * Stip clenched his halberd with two hands. Everyone else in the bank had fled upstairs, leaving him to fight the mysterious follower of Zamorak. Suddenly, the light of the sun flickered out. "Impossible..." He saw someone in black robes approaching.”Wait a minute... your Scar!" "Exactly." Scar smiled, holding his Zamorak Staff with two hands. "Let’s finish this!" he said, his eyes turning pure red with evil. He spoke again... in a different voice. "I nearly destroyed Zaros before, but you have been keeping him living. If I can destroy you and the Zaros Amulet, then he will be torn from the plane of mortals, but, seeing as he is currently no longer immortal, completely destroyed the moment he reaches the God Realm." "Wait... that’s impossible your..." Stip groaned. "I AM ZAMORAK! Scar and the rest of that Cult of the Unknown are just my puppets. Scar only helped you all to get Jamie to Elvarg, so Elvarg could be fed. But that plan has been thwarted, by all you! Our new mission is to get revenge... by destroying Zaros, once and for all! Now... kill him Scar!" Scar's eyes went normal; he was normal again. He raised his staff and shouted. "INVISIPATE!" Scar disappeared from view. Stip stood his ground, swiping his halberd in attempts to hit Scar. Suddenly, he was grabbed from behind and tossed toward the bank stalls, and in a flash of light, appeared in a vault. Scar's vault. Stip saw many artifacts of Zamorak, among other things. Scar entered the vault, now visible again. He held his staff forward, pointing it at Stip. "FLAMES OF ZAMORAK!" Stip was engulfed in a fireball and was sent flying into the wall of the vault. He looked dead, burnt, and lifeless. Scar stepped up, and did several tests to see if Stip was alive. First, he stabbed Stip in the gut. He didn't flinch. Scar listened for breath. There was none. Lastly, he checked Stip's pulse. Nothing. Smiling to himself, he took the Zaros Amulet off Stip's neck. He exited the vault, leaving the lifeless body there. * * * * * The followers of Zaros arrived at Seer's Village. They saw someone in black robes exit the bank. The mystery man turned. He wielded a staff of Zamorak. "I assume you are here for the Zaros Amulet." the Zamorakian said. "Well..." he took out a grey amulet that held a slight shade of purple.”Come get it." "It is not meant for your hands, Zamorakian!" one of the purple robed men shouted. "Feel the wrath of Zaros!" he said, producing a staff of Zaros. "ZAROS STRIKE!" A purple beam shot out of his staff toward Scar. "FLAMES OF ZAMORAK!" Scar shouted. His fireball countered the beam, and the two magic spells cause a large explosion, sending the Zaros followers flying, and reached as far as where Scar was, who now had teleported, his location unknown due to the noise of the explosion. * * * * * Inside Scar's vault, Stip lay. Somewhere in the distance, he thought he heard someone talking to his lifeless body, inside his head. "Get up Stip... you must not die now... return the Zaros Amulet to me... stop the Cult! Wake up Stip! You cannot die! Not yet!”Stip’s heart began to beat again, he began to breath deeply, his eyes burst open, and his wounds slowly began to heal. Part 5: Rampage of the Phoenix. One Phoenix to be exact. Jamie, Tahu, and Rangerbane arrived at Varrok to see that they were too late. The town had been nearly completely destroyed in the time they were at the Junkyard. Dead bodies lay everywhere, and oddly, there was still loot on them. "This isn't like the Phoenix..." Jamie said. "They're thieves... why haven't they looted the bodies yet?" "I dunno..." replied Tahu, who was looting a nearby noob. "By the way..." Rangerbane said. "Where is the Phoenix Gang anyway?" "Let's try for their hideout." Jamie suggested. Soon, they faced a wooden door with a phoenix drawn on it. "So..." Tahu said, trying to pull the full rune helmet off of the head of a nearby warrior, who was unarmed and wore no armour except for his helmet. "This...PULL!... is...PULL!...the place?" "Yep." Jamie said. "Rangerbane, put away your bow. We need melee to defeat these guys, seeing as how they supposedly all have Dragon and Rune Scimitars..." "Along with their crossbows." Rangerbane added. * * * * * Topsummoner and his two allies were hit by a huge explosion, but since half of the explosion was generated by Zaros, their master, not as much harm came as usual. For him at least. His allies where still unmoving, just lying there. That accursed Zamorakian!!, he thought. "Wait a minute... the Zamorakian!" Topsummoner got up and pointed his staff toward Scar. Or where Scar was a minute ago. He was gone, supposedly had teleported. Little did Topsummoner know, was that the teleportation spell Scar had cast was to Camelot. * * * * * Stip stood up, most of his wounds healed. In fact, the only thing that wasn't healed was a scar on his gut, from when Scar had stabbed him. He couldn't believe that Zaros had been able to speak to him, in the god's condition. At least, he was pretty sure it was Zaros. He rummaged through Scar's extra runes, and found a law rune, along with some death runes. He put his halberd away, producing his unique smoke staff. "FIRE BLAST!" he shouted, leaping out of the vault, leaving all of Scar's items aflame. He exited the bank to see a follower of Zaros, who had his head turned toward Camelot. "Hey!" Stip shouted, running toward the guy. Which is when he realized the Zaros Amulet was gone; he had not even understood what Zaros had said in his head until now. "Oh geez.... Scar took the amulet..." * * * * * Topsummoner turned around to see Scar, approaching from Camelot, knife raised. "AIR BOLT!" shouted Scar. A blast of wind energy erupted from the tip of his knife, creating a gust of wind that had formed an air knife. The knife glided over to Topsummoner and with a quick slash, cut his Zaros Staff in two. Scar turned his knife into a stabbing position, and thrust knife forward, causing the air knife to do so as well. Topsummoner, at the last moment, mustered all energy in his mind to focus on his runes and shouted before the knife struck, "VARROCK TELEPORT!" Scar grunted when he saw Stip standing behind where Topsummoner was standing. "You... impossible... I killed you..." Stip didn't speak. He was busy trying to find a way to stop the air knife. * * * * * Straven looked up from his flyer reading: Come to Bob's Axes!, and saw three people wielding rune scimitar. "Intruders!" he shouted. He pulled his Dragon Scimitar from its sheath. Jamie struck at Straven, only to have his swipe blocked by the scimitar of Straven. It shone the fierce red of dragon. Straven rolled around Jamie and struck toward his back, only to have him dodge it. Straven caught Tahu coming at him, from the corner of his eye. Turning around and blocking Tahu's strike, he held his hand toward at volley of arrows that Rangerbane had shot, for he knew a bit of magic. "FIRE STRIKE!" The arrows fell harmlessly to the ground. Jamie swung his scimitar around just in time to stop the scimitar of a Phoenix Gang member. It was... Straven again? "But... impossible..." Jamie looked over behind him to see Straven, still locking swords with Tahu. He also caught that Rangerbane was fighting another Phoenix... another Straven! The Straven Jamie was locking swords with suddenly doubled, creating another Straven! This Straven swung his scimitar, which Jamie blocked with his Anti-Dragon-Breath Shield. Tahu and Rangerbane were struggling as well. Jamie could fell his hands covered in sweat, and knew that Straven may strike again at any moment, and he had to be ready for it. He didn't feel ready for it. Part 6: Impossible Enemy Tahu calculated all of what he could do. He knew that if he broke the lock between his and Straven's scimitar, then he would be vulnerable to Straven's roll and strike attacks. He noticed that another Phoenix was in combat with Rangerbane. It was another Straven! "Impossible..." he breathed out. Tahu's Straven saw that Tahu was distracted and gave a lunge of energy, causing Tahu to break out of the lock, giving Straven an open target. Meanwhile, Rangerbane was having rough times in his portion of the fight. This was because he was very little skilled in the arts of melee combat, and was pushing himself to the limits in his struggle against Straven. Straven noticed Rangerbane having problems, so he smiled and multiplied until there was four facing Rangerbane, one on each side. Jamie, held in lock and a block, prepared for the obvious. Just as suspected, another Straven appeared in front of him, so it looked like this: Straven>>>>O O O<< Jamie pulled back out of his lock and block, dodging the incoming slash from Straven 2 (middle). Now, with leg room open, he performed a backflip, putting his legs around the necks of Straven's 1 and 3, and closed his legs in order to clash their heads into the head of Straven 2. He landed on his bottom, and leapt to his feet slashing his scimitar around himself, cutting through the chest of one that had appeared behind him. But, it was replaced by yet another Straven. Jamie knew that he couldn't last much longer. SLASH! Tahu fell to the ground, his chest now bearing a large wound similar to the one Jamie had just given Straven. He fell to his knees bleeding. "...this guy is impossible..." Dust filled the already hard to breathe air, and Jamie was sweating madly as he searched for Straven. Or any Straven that is. He saw one of him and dashed over to him, but before he was there, he heard someone behind him shout "TELEOTHER CAMELOT!" In a flash of purple light, Jamie was teleported. Tahu was bleeding madly and had been knocked unconscious. Straven charged forward to finish him off, but before he could... "TELEOTHER CAMELOT!" Tahu was gone just like Jamie. "Who are you!?" Straven shouted at the intruder. "Not for you to know." the man smiled, a smile that went perfectly with his robes. "ZAROS STRIKE!" Rangerbane was surrounded. But as it turned out, it was a bad idea for Straven to be surrounding him in a complete circle. The Straven's raised their scimitars... "TELEOTHER CAMELOT!" THUNK! All four Stravens fell. The stranger faced the rest of the Stravens. Before they could multiply however.... "ZAROS STRIKE!" Part 7: Camelot Sir Lancelot strolled out of Camelot Castle for his evening stroll. The stars shimmered brightly as he stepped out of the front gate. He looked toward Seer's Village. It was pitch black in that direction. And, as he looked, a chill ran down his spine and spread to the rest of his body. Shivering, he looked up into the air. "Perhaps I should go visit Brother Galahad." Sir Lancelot suggested to himself. "That chill I experienced seems not to be of natural causes. Evil is in the air... I must see what Brother Galahad has to say about that..." Lancelot began to walk toward Brother Galahad's house to the north of McGroubers Wood, but before he could, he was blinded by a flash of purple light. A bloody body crashed onto Lancelot, pinning him to the ground. Forcing the body off him, he stood up only to have another purple flash crash him down again. Jamie suddenly appeared somewhere outside. For some reason, it was already dark out. Odd, it had been bright daylight when they had gone inside the Phoenix Hideout. The Phoenix! They were still a threat! But, Jamie finally realized he was lying on someone. Jumping to his feet, he saw underneath him none other than the brave Sir Lancelot. "Sir Lancelot! My sincerest apologies..." Jamie apologized. Sir Lancelot pushed himself to his feet. "It's fine young adventurer. But that sir over there, he is not fine." "Tahu!" Jamie shouted. Tahu was unconscious and still bleeding from the wound on his chest. Jamie looked around for something to tend to his wounds with, surprised that Tahu was still alive after this. Sir Lancelot spoke: "He needs help now. We must bring him into the castle." "Castle..." Jamie said. He turned to see the high and mighty Camelot Castle, home of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Its towers rose to the sky, and the souls that lived within its walls were blessed by the holy Saradomin himself. At that moment, another purple flash threw Sir Lancelot to the ground for the third time. It was Rangerbane. "Where are we?" "Camelot... Tahu needs medical attention. We must bring him in!" Jamie ordered. After helping Sir Lancelot to his feet, the three began to bring Tahu into the castle. But, Tahu was nearing the light at the end of the tunnel. It wasn't much longer now. Part 8: Strangerr "Twinteeth, forward!" A huge two-headed blue dragon snorted and slowly crawled forward. "Now, servants! Gather around the dinner wheel! It is time to decide who... 'prepares' dinner for Twinteeth." The servants arrived at the Dragon Chamber, walking through the large metal gate knowing that they may never pass it again. The whole place was underground, and the illegal act of slavery was hidden by the natural walls. The only way in was by teleport, and a maze blocked the arrival place from the hideout. The only way out was also by teleport. The Cult of the Unknown gathered at the overhead stands, waiting in anticipation to see which servants would be eaten this time. Except for one. This one entered the room by the gate wearing the same robes as the slaves, and held a long sheet of parchment. On the far wall of the room stood a large wooden wheel, bearing the names of every slave. The one holding parchment fastened it over a name. The leader of the Cult breathed out curses. "Not again..." Strangerr turned from the wheel and pointed to a man in the slave crowd.”You! You are safe this time, leave as I will take your place in this trial!" The man muttered thanks and ran out the metal gate, leaving many other slaves in envy. The metal gate was closed by several Cult members, after the leader took his place in the stands above. The wheel was spun. The first of three names came up. The servant assigned to spinning the wheel stood back and proclaimed: "Manvik!" A bearded slave in the crowd stood, knowing his days were soon at their end. Manvik was a stout Freminick, and pitied himself for being unable to fight back against his captors. He took his place against the wall farthest from Twinteeth. The wheel was spun again. "Lorea!" A woman in her 40's stood and took her place at the wall. Her family had already been slaughtered, and she would rather join them than to continue being a slave. The final name was spun... Everyone gasped. The spinner servant announced it. "Strangerr!" The Cult Leader was furious. "Look what he got himself into now!!!" Strangerr took his place at the wall. The spinner servant headed to behind Twin teeth to cut the chain, the gate was opened to let the rest of the slaves back into the hideout. Manvik seized the chance and dashed toward the open gate, sensing freedom. A cult member ran up with a knife and cut his arm. Manvik was quickly returned to his spot on the wall. The cult member came up to Lorea and cut her arm as well. He then approached Strangerr. The chain cutter was startled when Twinteeth flinched. Twinteeth was fired up now that there was blood in the air. The cult member spoke to Strangerr. "This is stupid... come on, come out and we'll sacrifice the chain cutter instead..." "Just cut my arm dammit Crash!" Strangerr swore. Crash obeyed. Crash hurried out of the gate, which was closed just enough to let a person out. The chain cutter cut the chain holding Twinteeth back, and ten stood very still. Twinteeth crept forward, and the chaincutter made it out of the gate. Strangerr saw Twinteeth approaching. "That’s right... keep coming..." Twinteeth prepared to charge its prey. Strangerr just stood there, Lorea sighed with depression, and Manvik decided to be brave like all those in his clan. "This is where it ends. But I will die fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHH!" Manvik shouted. "Give me a weapon! ANY WEAPON! I'LL FIGHT TO THE BITTER END!" The audience quickly decided that giving a weapon to the servant would be more entertaining. So someone tossed down a mithril battleaxe. Manvik swung it over his head madly, preparing for inevitable death. Strangerr motioned for them to move to different sides of the room. The two of them knew how incredible Strangerr was in unarmed combat, even against someone with a weapon, so they obeyed. Twinteeth was about to charge Manvik when Strangerr motioned toward Lorea. Twinteeth charged at Lorea who closed her eyes, also ready for the inevitable death. Inevitable rang in many heads... Inevitable... Bam! Lorea was gone, just like that. Many watched in awe as the mighty two headed dragon manifested her fresh corpse which was spewing gore everywhere tainting the earth with a red tinge that cause many to blow their cookies which included many various things such as last nights steak and potato feast that included a side of cabbage rolls which many also lost. Twinteeth's blue faces were now just a red as they were blue. Twinteeth prepared to continue its gory onslaught, and focused on Manvik. Manvik awaited his fate, holding his mithril battleaxe in two sweaty hands. Part 9: Camelot Chaos "AIR BLAST!" shouted Stip. The gust of air hit the air knife flipping it back toward Scar. Scar dropped his knife in failure. In turn, the air knife stopped in mid-air and dropped to the ground and vanished. Scar shot Stip a 'who cares' shrug. "FIRE BLAST!" Stip shouted. Nothing happened. Stip was out of death runes! "FIRE BOLT!" No chaos runes. "Fire strike...?" Not even mind runes. Stip ruffled in his pack for runes. Scar laughed at this. "Fool! You are unable to resist!" He held his Zamorak Staff high. "FLAMES OF ZAMORAK!" A large fireball was launched from his staff and hurtled toward Stip. Stip found only blood and law runes. But he was unable to use the bloods, as his magic was not that great. But it was his only hope. An air attack would not stop the flames of Zamorak, so he must use a flame attack... "FIRE WAVE!" Two fire balls collided, Scar was sent flying toward Camelot, and Stip was terribly weakened, but not weakened enough to cast one last spell. "Camelot... Teleport!" In a purple flash, he was way on the other side of the explosion. He put his staff away, taking out his halberd, waiting for battle. Scar crashed through the side of Camelot Castle. Stip dashed in, determined to retrieve the Zaros Amulet. * * * * * Jamie, Rangerbane, and Sir Lancelot dragged Tahu inside Camelot Castle and gathered sheets of parchment and wrapped his wounds in it. The pressure helped ease the bleeding, but it wasn't enough. Sir Lancelot thought of something. "Brother Galahad is one of the holy monks now, perhaps... he could heal your friend?" "That sounds like a good idea." Jamie said. Suddenly they heard a huge crash on the other side of the castle. Then someone barged through the door, holding a dragon halberd. It was none other than Stip. "Stip?" asked Jamie. "Hey!" Rangerbane shouted. "Small world..." gasped Stip. "Look out... Scar..." "Scar?" said Jamie. "I can thank him for helping you get in to help me!" "No... he is and always was evil..." Stip took a breath. "And... what happened to Tahu?" "Phoenix Gang. Straven. He multiplied... and someone came and saved us..." "Ah, a heartwarming reunion. Unfortunately it must be cut short." Scar appeared in the room. He held his Zamorak Staff in one hand, and a poison dragon dagger in the other. "FLAMES OF ZAMORAK!" A large fireball hit Stip to the wall. Jamie moved forward, taking out his rune scimitar. Scar readied his dagger to throw at Tahu. "Come any closer, and your friend dies for sure. I'm just surprised Straven didn't already kill you." Jamie was forced to stop. Scar smiled and tossed his dagger at Stip, striking him in the stomach. Jamie moved forward again, but Scar took out a jade amulet and grabbed Stip's arm. Rubbing it, Scar and Stip disappeared in a purple flash, and Jamie's scimitar cut through only air. Part 10: A Life on the Line "Tahu and Stip... we have to do something. Scar... he's going to kill Stip." Jamie said in gloom. "But... we still have to focus on Tahu. Sir Lancelot, lead the way to Brother Galahad." Lancelot led Jamie and Rangerbane, who were carrying Tahu along. Soon they were at Seer's Village, and saw the horror. A Seer lay dead, against a house. Beside the house lay fallen and charred trees, beside them a woodcutter burnt to a crisp. Several people began to climb down the ladder in the bank. "Is he gone?" they asked eachother. Every where showed some sign of a huge explosion. The bottom half of a Zaros staff lay on the ground, while the top half lay on a man in purple robes.... the same robes that Stip wore. One held a whole Zaros Staff himself, but the other had no staff. Rangerbane racked his brain for something... the person saving them from Straven performed Zaros Strikes. He would have to ask about this later on... Tahu began coughing like crazy, his bandages turning red with blood. There was not much time. "We will never reach Galahad's shack in time." Sir Lancelot said. Jamie looked to the side and saw mine carts stored inside an open building. "Does Galahad, by any chance, live near the Coal Trucks?" he asked. "Yes, right across the river. Why?" Next thing they knew, Jamie and Tahu were rocketing down the tracks toward Galahad's shack. Rangerbane and Lancelot were right behind in another cart. Soon, a holy shack came in view. Brother Galahad was in the front, and was shocked to see a complete stranger show up with a bloody unconscious man. But then, he saw Lancelot and relaxed. "Brother Galahad!" Lancelot called. "This man is on the edge of life and death. You must heal him!" "These wounds... it would take a dozen monks of the highest class in holiness to the great god Saradomin to heal this. But fortunately..." Galahad showed a ring that he wore on his right hand. It was made of silver, and had a diamond on it. "Behold! A ring of holiness! Grab hands now..." With a single rub, they all disappeared in a purple flash. Jamie, Rangerbane, Sir Lancelot, Brother Galahad, and Tahu appeared in the Monastery in the north. Galahad dashed to nearby monks. "Gather! This man needs great help!" But... by the time the monks had gathered... "He's not breathing... He's gone..." "We can rebuild him." The head monk said. "We have the technology. All we need is a holy amulet crafted from the weapon that dealt this fatal blow." "You can... bring him back?" Jamie and Rangerbane said in unison. "Yes we can. But, you have to do it in 24 hours after he died. So... your friends life is now entirely on the line. If you fail, it is his life that will fail. And another thing... if you fail, he fails, the world fails. There us something you need to know... there is a prophecy..." Later... "Awfully sorry this will be thrust into your hands." Sir Lancelot apologized. "The prophecy will be told to you in sure time. But now you must embark on this perilous journey, to revive your friend. So, what say you?" Jamie spoke his feelings. "Straven will pay..." Then spoke Rangerbane.”When are we going? I'm hungry." "These men need food! Prepare a feast!" Lancelot called. After an hour wait, and another hour meal, Jamie and Rangerbane were ready to embark on their journey. Heading south, they arrived at Barbarian's Village. Heading past the rude town, Varrok came in sight. The walk had taken about an hour, and now about 18 hours remained. By the sounds of things, everything lay on the line. Varrok was still deserted, still scarred from the battle of the deadly trio of the Cult. The General store lay half re-built, and bodies lay everywhere. Jamie kicked the door open to the Phoenix Lair. Down the ladder lay the room where Tahu's fatal blow had been dealt. No one was there... except for a man in Zaros robes laying on the ground bleeding. He held a Zaros Staff. "Hmm... is it possible... That someone may perform a Telekinetic Grab from miles away?" Rangerbane asked. "I don't know... perhaps we could ask the head wizard Seridor about that later... wait a minute!" Jamie had figured something out. "Seridor is a master in codes! Which means..." Jamie took his coded sheet from his pocket. "We are on the brink of solving this mystery..." "But first we must save Tahu," Rangerbane reminded him. "By the way... where is Straven. And another thing... this man." Jamie and Rangerbane knelt by the man's side. They managed to wake him up by slapping his face. "Hello? Are you ok?" "I am dieing... Straven... too powerful... I am Topsummoner... I am the one who saved your lives by teleporting you to Camelot... Leave this place..." Topsummoner said. "Straven will get you... you can not afford to face him again... Akk..." Topsummoner groaned, and went through the light at the end of the tunnel. Rangerbane opened the next door. Jamie went inside, followed by his friend. Straven, was in their, holding his dragon scimitar in one hands, a mug of Arsganian Ale in the other. "You..." He got up and was about to multiply, when Jamie delivered him a swift kick in the groin. "Ahhhhk..." But, as the true Straven fell to the ground in pain, two more appeared. It was too late... Straven was in a dangerous state. It was time to make a break for it. Jamie dashed in and grabbed the scimitar. "Now Rangerbane!" Rangerbane shot a volley of arrows that struck both Stravens. Unfortunately, there were four more Straven's now. Jamie managed a cartwheel through the Straven's, and the duo dashed out of the room, out of the lair, into Varrok. "Bank quickly!" Straven's began to appear everywhere in the streets. An army of Straven were coming... all that remained was a dash to the bank. Jamie and Rangerbane drew their scimitars... Jamie using Straven's. Slashing through the Straven Sea, they arrived at the bank. Jamie dashed into his vault, coming out with three air runes, a law rune, and a water rune. Also... he held a vial of water. "I don't know why... but instinct made me grab the vial too..." The Straven's arrived. An unarmed one at the front, was the obvious the original. "You... Give me the sword... now..." Straven breathed out. Instinct took Jamie over. And memory. A fateful day, before Varrok was torched came back... Varrok Square. Rangerbane was acting weirdly. Stip poured water down Rangerbane's throat. Rangerbane returned to normal. Mind control device... Jamie threw the vial at Straven's face. The vial smashed on his face, sending water and glass everywhere. Some water made it down Straven's throat. Before the results could be seen by our hero's... "FALADOR TELEPORT!" In a flash of purple light, they were gone. ______________ Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for the next Villager, and Parts 11-20! Want more Dragon Threat Book 2? Check out The Dragon Threat Book 2 in the Literary Society! Written By: Topsummoner Edited By: runehottie20 Coded By: Hoof NoobQuest |