Halloween Signature Contest Winner
Contest By Frogger Welcome to the Third Special Edition and the Second Halloween Ediition! I'd like to say congrats to Frizoid for winning the Halloween Villager Sig Contest. Thank you for all that entered it was a really close choice but the judges really enjoyed, "Halloween Trev". The hungry dragon located in euph's signature. She won a Free Prize from the Village Store thanks to Henner and the goblin that lives in his nose. I would also like to say congrats to americankid for winning second place in the signature contest. Also congrats to BlinX with his awesome sig making third place. Well this edition is a very special one to use we like to make holidays a happy time for everyone to enjoy the fun stuff we do as a staff, even though we're a pretty small staff right now. Nothing can stop us from putting a few smiles on people's faces or have them pee their pants they're so scare! Anyways, take a look around we've been a busy staff this month and enjoy that scary music I found around my house! Oh, we also left those ensolved story movies, I enjoy them! P.S. If you want to join the villager please pm TrendyHaz in the forums. |