Rules of the "Wildy"

Rules? What Rules

Since the release of Runescape 2 there has been an unwritten code made for the wilderness, a code consisting of rules which we are supposed to follow when engaging in combat. But, where did this code come from and why should we follow it?

My theory is that it was made by clans. The rules existed in their own clan and then they presumed that everyone else would follow these rules as well, what with them being the owners of the wilderness and everything. *rolls eyes* Now some of you non-pkers are probably wondering just what are the rules? Well, here are some of them:

No running
No teleing
No hybriding
No protect prayers
No X-ing
No logging
No 1-itemers
No luring

I’ll explain these rules in detail, now, for those that are not familiar with them:

No running – If you get attacked you are just supposed to stand there. Even if you know for sure you are going to die, because that’s the honourable thing to do.

No teleing – You are not allowed to teleport in the wilderness... period. It doesn’t matter if you are doing a clue, collecting supplies, or doing such a skill such as mining. Teleing is not allowed.

No hybriding – If you are a melee fighter facing a mage you are not allowed to put on black dragon hide to weaken their chance of hitting you. This is, apparently, cheating.

No protect prayers – You are not allowed to use any of the three protection prayers at all: range, mage and melee. Doing so makes you a "prayer nub."

No X-ing – This is dishonourable and is abusing one of the games safety mechanisms.

No logging – If you get away from a fight far enough and log or you log out before they attack you then you are a noob.

No 1-itemers – You are not allowed to 1-item in the wildy. Even if its just a dagger that you need to get to the mage bank. you are not providing suitable loot for the pkers therefore, you are a noob.

No luring – You are not allowed to rely on peoples' stupidity to make them follow a noob so that you can pk them in multi.

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Now, you can probably tell by my description of the rules that I do not agree with most of them. So, here is my opinion of those individual rules:

No running – Running is fine as long as you are pking on your own and not with your clan. If you are solo-pking and you come across an opponent that you know you won’t beat then there is no point in basically giving away your items by standing there, leg it! However, if you are pking with your clan you should stay and fight with your clan until the leader tells you to retreat. This way, you have more of a chance of surviving as a group.

No teleing – This rule I do not agree with. If you are training skills or doing a clue then what is wrong with teleporting to save yourself an expensive death? Jagex brought in a method to stop teleporters, teleblock. So, if your opponent isn’t clever enough to utilize, That's their problem, not yours.

No hybriding – This rule is really dumb. Its made by mad magers that are sulking because they missed a kill. If a melee switchs to black dragon hide then hybrid yourself and use a dagger. Dragon hide has low melee defense! If you are not smart enough to adept to changing situations then you deserve to lose your kill.

No protect prayers – This rule I agree with to an extent. Protect prayers in 1 vs 1 combat should not be used. All it does is prolong the fight and make both users very bored. However, in multi-combat if you need to use a protect prayer to stay alive or protect yourself from your classes weakness whilst bashing someone’s head in, go for it.

No X-ing – I totally agree with this rule. You should not abuse one of jagex’s safety features like this. Good thing that there are many ways to kill an X-er before they get out of the game safely.

No logging – Logging is fine. If your opponent isn’t quick enough to attack you or loses you then it is their fault, not yours. Save your items and smile when you think of how angry they are.

No 1-itemers – This rule can go both ways for me, I think 1-iteming is fine if you are training agility or just going to the mage bank. But, pking with 1 item is wrong. We know you are just trying to poison us and face it, you probably won’t get the kill. The most you’ll do is make us bank for an anti poison so why bother? Saves everyone a whole lot of time if you just don’t try.

No Luring – Ah! My favourite rule to argue. Luring is a completely valid strategy when pking. It relies on the stupidity and greed of other players to lure them into a trap, normally a group, hidden in multi-wildy. The lure normally has a rare item. For example, our lure had a veracs helm and the little nooby thinks “omgz fr3 st0f ples” and chases them, blinded by the thought of the item and not realising the trap they are falling in. It’s a strategy. Don’t like it? Don’t follow people to places you know that there could be a team at.

Now for the conclusion, these are my thoughts. You can make of the rules what you will but this is my honest opinion of them. The rules are a load of rubbish. To follow the rules is supposed to mean that you are an honourable pker. What honour is there in killing people and taking their items? There is no honour in the wilderness and there are no rules, kill or be killed. Its survival of the fittest and the smartest, its up to you if you are predator or prey.


Proofread by:Purpender

Coded by: Purpender, Duckie