This will be the first ever to my understanding RS costume guide.
I am actually going to take the time and list fifty thats right fifty and one
costumes. Along with the help form a few of my friends. The RS friend who will
be helping me is named “1m not a pkr”. Now lets get started.
Red means that it is for members only
1. Death
Ghost Robes
A Scythe
2. Pirate
Black Clothes
Pirate Hat/ eye patch
3. Robin Hood
Robin hood hat
Oak or willow bow
Green clothes
4. Prince/King
A Gold Cape
Red Clothes
Yellow Party Hat
5. The Fates
A Mask and the color outfit
6. Party Pete Red Phat
Dark blue pants
White/blue shirt
7. Indiana Jones
Tan Clothes
Dark brown cavelier
A Whip (optional)
8. Mourner
Mourners clothes
9. White Knight
Full White knight armour with plate
Any Weapon
10. Black Knights
Full black with black long sword.
11. Guard
Iron Chain
Bronze medium
Brown pants
12. A Quincy
crystal bow
any clear chompy feather hat
rouges outfit/ villager robes/ ghost robes
13. Hero
Full Rune without helmet
14. Verac
Bronze full helm
Bronze skirt
Brown village robe top
Iron mace
15. Monk
Full monk robes
Bald character
Tannish skin
16. Druid
Full druid robes
Book of balance
Silver sickle(b)
Legends cape
A White bearded character
17. Monk Of Zamorak
Red monk robes
Bald character
18. Ninja
Black Robes
Rouges mask
Black Longsword
Throwing rings
19. Forester
Robin hood hat
Greenish brown shirt
Brown pants
Iron Hatchet
Red Cape
20. A Bad Edward Elric
Veracs Bassard
Cooking Guants
Iron Claws
Long Blonde hair
Black Pants
21. Aggie the witch
Black robe top
Black robe bottom
Black wizards hat
Must be female
22. Wizard
Blue Robe top
Blue Robe bottom
Staff (Optional)
23. The Lost City Archer
Yellow Shirt
Black Pants
Yew Long Bow
24. The Easter Bunny
Bunny ears
Dragon chain
Dragon legs
25. Santa
Red clothes
Santa Hat
White bearded character
26. The Devil
Red Mask
Dragon Hally
Red robes
Skeletal boots
27. The Master Noob
Ham Hood
Iron dagger/ Rubber Chicken
Brass necklace
Ham logo
Red cape
Normal clothes
Louie Legs
Iron Platelegs
29. Pyromancer
Red Spikey hair
Zamorak robes
Zamorak boots
Iban staff
Lava cape
And a tinderbox
30. Chef
Chef’s hat
White apron
31. Darth Maul
Red Mask
Ahrims robes
Dragon longsword
32. Darth vader
Black platelegs
Black platemail
Black medium
Dragon longsword
33. Luke Skywalker
Desert robe (set 1) top
Desert robe (set 2) bottom
Rune Long sword
34. Mugger
Mime shirt
White pants
Any blackjack
Highway man mask
Full mime set
36. Yoda
Green mask
Desert robe (set 2) top
Desert robe (set 2) bottom
Short staff/ Addy long
Black robe top
Black robe bottom
38. The Pope
Chef Hat
White Robe top
White robe robe bottom
Black boots
39. Rich Pimp
Full guilded without helm.
Purple phat
Black robe top
Black robe bottom
Black cape
Iron long sword
Black bald character
41. Starman
Red robe bottom
Red robe top
Holy symbol
White knight full/ iron med
Desert boots
Party Pete Barmaid
White apron
Light blue shirt
Mith skirt
43. Captain Barnaby
Blue pants
blue shirt
White bearded character
44. Zorro
Steel long sword
Black Caviler
black preist top
black preist bottom
Black boots
Iron Skirt
Iron Plate
Iron Long
Iron Square
46. Paladin
Iron Plate
Iron Legs
Blonde Hair and Beard
Adamantite Square
Holy Symbol
Leather Boots
Iron Longsword
47. Renegade Knight
Black Plate
Black Legs
Black Sword
48. Skeleton (Very bad one)
Full skeletal
Dragon square
Iron Scimitar
Iron Plate
Iron Legs
Iron sword
Iron square
50. Highwayman
Highwayman mask
Black shirt and pants
Red cape
Bronze sword
51. Red Mage
Black and Red Mystic
Ancient Staff
Zammy Book
Author:Since I Was Gone
Proofread by: Purpender, Monk Basher and G@mer
Coded by: Purpender and G@mer