the 4th of October the Tzhaar people, who live underneath the karamjara volcano
came to the people of runescape and told them of a fight pit, an area where
they could battle the most feared creatures in all of the land of Thzaar.
The reward? A large sum of Tok-kul and the rarest cape known to any creature
currently known throughout the runescape land. The Thzaar warn all adventurers
that enter the fight caves that they should be prepared for some of the most
dangerous fights they have ever experienced throughout the world of runescape.
It would be something more dangerous than the kalphite queen, and not only that,
but only one man or woman is permitted to take on this creature. This fighting
pit was not created for the faint hearted, the fighting pit was created for
the bet of the Thzaar men and women to fight, only the elite would pass, and
be granted special access to a squad not available to humans.
The cape is not much better than one collected at the legends guide, but the
status symbol that this cape provides shows how much courage, and skill a player
has. The cape shows someone just how good of a fighter a player is. A combat
level of 100 or above accompanied by a range and mage level of 70 or higher
is suggested. The Thzaar also warns us that players must use tactics to take
on these beasts. Its now not just ‘attack – eat – prayer – attack’. At first,
as the legendary Onyx ring was released at the same time, it was thought that
players would have to use this to kill the giant level 702 monster, but as time
developed, and more people tried this, word got out that the onyx ring had no
relevance to the fight-pits.
The fight pit throws every Thzaar monster that they have at you, from level
22’s who drain your prayer, to the level 702, who throws massive boulders at
you, hitting 90’s as his best hit. Thankfully you don’t lose any items when
you die in the fight pit, so apart from all the sharks and prayer pots you’ll
have to use, you wont lose much. Although the reward is worth it. With the huge
amount of Tok-kul that you get when you complete the fight pit, and if you don’t
finish, you still get some tok kul depending on how far through the fight pits
you managed to get.
As well as the fight pit, players are now allowed to buy and collect special
stones, mentioned earlier. Although the crafting level to create the jewellery
pieces is high, the rewards can be just as much worth it. There were 3 jewellery
items added, the amulet, necklace and the ring. All created out of onyx.
As well as the lava staff another cape has been added, but you’ll have to search
around the Thzaar area to find this one.
Hopefully soon the Thzaar area will be expanded soon, as promised in the [url=http://news-web.runescape.com/lang/en/aff/runescape/newsi
tem.ws?id=493]future updates[/url] And I look forward to what Jagex and the
Thzaar people have got held in store for us. Maybe they will be the holders
of the new pet goldfish? Who knows, only time will tell.