I'd like to thank you for allowing me to interview you, Suicide Messiah.
You're very welcome Jack.
Halloween, Jagex had no special drop, instead they changed the INTRO theme temporarily.
What is your reply to that?
Well- It would have been a *pointless* "special drop" since they made
them all untradeable. A new theme was just as worthless, really shouldn't have
done anything if the drops aren't tradeable and who cares about a new theme?
you think Jagex made a mistake by making holiday items untradable?
Yes and no.
or why not?
Yes because now if you miss a holiday you can't ever get the item. No because
items really shouldn't have a 50M price tag when they are absolutely pointless.
People say its to show how long you've played- I say its just to show off your
is your opinion on Halloween masks and pumpkins rising in prices?
Well I'm glad about halloween masks risin (afterall I have one) other than that
I don't really care.
Do you think that Jagex should celebrate holidays in a different way, rather than dropping items? If so, how?
I really think they should just end holiday events :O. Everyone complains the items aren't tradeable (even though they wouldn't be worth millions for a few years even if they were) and I know a few people who don't like it because it's only christian holidays.
How do you think people would feel if Jagex did absolutely nothing?
I kinda answered this already, but I really wouldn't care. As with everything JaGeX does- some would be outraged, some would whine and moan, some wouldn't care, some would be offended, and others pleased.
Anything else you would like to add regarding Halloween?
Yeah- Stay home and play RS and don't go "egging" or "tp-ing" the fines are hefty.
you have it folks. Thank you for letting me interview you, Suicide Messiah!
You bet, hey you got the time? Wow, I really gotta get going.
By: Jackstick
Proofed and coded by: Frogger