Staff Profiles - Poison333
Staff Profiles is in its third month of the villager. If you are a admin, mod, or staff and want to be in a future issue of staff profiles or would like to give a quote about next months mod, please pm Sherbros.
RV Name: Poison333
Real Life Name: Matt
Position: Chat Moderator
Staff since: August 10, 2005
Date Joined: October 30, 2003
Country: United States
City/state: Bismarck, North Dakota
Birthday: December 2
Age: 17
Gender: Male
~Interview With Poison333~
[Sherbros] How did you think of the name "Poison333"? Have you ever changed it?
[Poison333] My name first came about 6 years ago when "Pokemon" was popular. It was originally "Poison" after my favorite type of Pokemon. Later, I added the 333 as I started to play multiplayer games on the computer where "Poison" was taken. I added "333" because 3 is my favorite number so it's three threes. In response to your second question, I haven't changed it for 6 years and I don't plan to now.
[Sherbros] Whats the best part of being a chat mod?
[Poison333] Hehe, the kicking. Just kidding. Actually, modding the chat is just like being a normal user except that you're encouraged to help and police the other users. Because of this, the best part of being a chat mod is just enjoying being there and talking to your friends at RV.
[Sherbros] How did you know you became a chat mod?
[Poison333] I was pmed by Meepster.
[Sherbros] Do you play runescape?
[Poison333] Mostly only during the summer. Too much work to do during the schoolyear.
[Sherbros] What other forums are you active on?
[Poison333] I'm pretty active in the Graphics forums and also in the staff, chat, and Villager forums.
[Sherbros] Are you still a member of rsbandb?
[Poison333] Yes, I'm the head of the Design Crew there and also lead the SOTW.
[Sherbros] How did you hear about the Village?
[Poison333] I first heard about RuneVillage a long time ago when I played rs. At first I only used the guides and stuff but then I noticed the forums. The rest is history.
[Sherbros] If you could be one person (not from the Village) for a day, who would it be?
[Poison333] There isn't really anyone that doesn't go the the Village that I'd want to be.
[Sherbros] If you could be one Villager for a day, who would it be?
[Poison333] If I could be one Villager for the day I'd probably want to be Meepster. He performs excellent work but has so much to do. I'd want to take his place for a day just so he can take a break.
[Sherbros] How did you become the assitant coder for the Villager?
[Poison333] Well, after Juan retired from the position, there were two people eligible for his position: Frogger and I. Unfortunately, Frogger had more coding experience and got the position. As such, I became Assistant Coder. I don't mind it, though. (Even though I do all the work and Frogger gets the glory :O But don't tell Frogger I told.... AAHhh *chokes* *falls over*...)
[Sherbros] What is your normal day like? Stuff like school, work, RV etc.
[Poison333] My normal day consists of going to school, hanging out with friends after school and then homework and computer. Some days I have other things to do like Tae Kwon Do or Guitar Club. Also, I work on weekends.
[Sherbros] Is North Dakota in Mountain time zone or Central time zone?
[Poison333] Part of North Dakota is in Mountain, part is in Central. I live in Central time.
[Sherbros] What do you want to be when you "grow up"?
[Poison333] When I grow up I plan on being a Programmer/Graphic Designer.
[Sherbros] Are you into sports at all?
[Poison333] I'm not into the actual "team sports" but I ride bike, lift weights, exercise, and practice Tae Kwon Do.
[Sherbros] If yes, whats your favorite sport?
[Poison333] Tae Kwon Do
[Sherbros] How did you become interested in guitars?
[Poison333] I first became interested in guitars through one of my friends at school. This was about 3 years ago.
[Sherbros] Do you know how to make sigs?
[Poison333] Yes, I've been active with graphics for a bout a year now. My favorite style is Vector.
[Sherbros] Thanks your time, Poison. It's been nice talking to you.
[Poison333] No problem, Sherbros.
~Poison333's favorites!~
Color: Green
Food: COFFEE!!!
Desert: COFFEE!!!
Body part: Elbow
City: Bismarck
Country: Russia
RV Forum: Signature Competitions
RV Person: Knux
Messenger: MSN
Internet Browser: Opera
College: Still deciding
RV Chat Command: !kick :D
Favorite Smiley:
Leaste favorite smiley:
~Quotes from other villagers about Poison333!~
Frogger: "This one should be great!
Interview With Poison333!
The Noob Chat Mod.
What Are you?
A Duck.
Very Interesting! Thanks for your time.
Written By: Frogger
Proofread By: Frogger
Coded By: Frogger"
D3 kamikaze: "Poison is always around when you don't need him, and never around when you do. He likes to yell at people alot, and always makes me feel small :(. But I love him anyway, cause he's cool, and promised to vote me into chat mo... I mean give me cookies. :D "
Silverfox16: "Poison is one of the best examples of a chat moderator we have today. He's one of the main reasons I stay around the chat, actually"
Azureus: "Poison is a great mod and an awesome artist 8) "
Knux: "Poison is a fun guy and is willing to help you out when you need it. Of course, his humor sometimes gets the best of him, and it makes you want to smack him, but he's usually ok. All in all, he's a great guy, and good friend."
Written By: Sherbros
Proofread By: Poison333
Coded By: Poison333