Secret PM from hiker to andrew found!!After much divulging around the forums, a private message, intercepted by yours truely has been intercepted as it was on its way through the Runevillage server towards Andrew (the jagex boss). We believe here at the Villager that any information recovered should be sent to the public, and they should be warned of this tragedy. We hope that this will not affect the Villager's influence, and we will not be shut-down for releasing this. I urge anyone who is easily shocked to close this window and never speak of it again. The pm from Hiker to Andrew reads: Dear Andrew, Runevillage recently reached 60,000 users, although some of these are double users, i believe that over 3,000 users, which will increase as this reaches you shall be enough double users to give us the 60,000 that you requested when you gave me the money to run Runevillage, on that note, i would also like to mention my thanks for the recent donation, those childish users dont know what they're REALLY supporting! My raman noodles addiction! I almost have reached 1,000 raman cans to build my statue of yours truely. Back on the subject of users. I believe i have 60,000 single users ready to be brainwashed via their computers. I hope that the huge expansion to the rimmington and mining guild mines you have planned to accomodate them all is almost complete. I shall be running the brain-controlling device through 7th - 21st of Febuary. I hope that after this period you will have recieved the control for them. To use the control device, simply flip the switch on the side, and type certain keywords into the device to get control from the Runevillage users. The passwords should be typed in by the users themselves, so you wont have to go through our database. The pm stops there. We believe that Hiker and Andrew have been working through the years to get some mind controlling devices to take over the Runescape economy so that they may take them all. As I said, I think that the Runescape public should be informed. I urge you all to be extremely careful about when, and how you use Runevillage, and the time in which you use it. We also believe that RuneHQ and Stormy were also doing this, and they were the 15,000 users banned, although this is not all of the users from RuneHQ, we believe that this is the test for Runevillage when Hiker and Andrew set off their master plan. So i urge you, PLEASE dont use Runevillage for that period. If we at The Villager hear any more news, we will not hesitate to publish it. Please note Runescape and Runevillage are in fact perfectly safe, Hiker is also not using his donation money to fund his raman noodles addiction, this article is completely false. The only true part is Hiker has a raman noodles addiction. Written By: Trendyhaz Edited By: dr henry Coded By: Gamestar |