Bet You Didn’t Know…1. In the weightlessness of space a frozen pea will explode if it comes in contact with Pepsi. 2. The increased electricity used by modern appliances is causing a shift in the Earth's magnetic field. By the year 2327, the magnetic North Pole will be located in mid-Kansas, while the magnetic South Pole will be just off the coast of East Africa. 3. The trucking company Elvis Presley worked at as a young man was owned by Frank Sinatra. 4. SCUBA divers cannot pass gas at depths of 33 feet or below. 5. You *can* get blood from a stone, but only if contains at least 17 percent bauxite. 6. The volume of water that the Giant Sequoia tree consumes in a 24-hour period contains enough suspended minerals to pave 17.3 feet of a 4-lane concrete freeway. 7. King Henry VIII slept with a gigantic axe. 8. In 1843, a Parisian street mime got stuck in his imaginary box and consequently died of starvation. 9. Calvin, of the "Calvin and Hobbes" comic strip, was patterned after President Calvin Coolidge, who had a pet tiger as a boy. 10. A dog's naked behind leaves absolutely no bacteria when pressed against carpet. 11. Urine from male cape water buffaloes is so flammable that some tribes use it for lantern fuel. 12. Aardvarks are allergic to radishes, but only during summer months. 13. If you part your hair on the right side, you were born to be carnivorous. If you part it on the left, your physical and psychological make-up is that of a vegetarian. 14. Although difficult, it's possible to start a fire by rapidly rubbing together two Cool Ranch Doritos. 15. In World War II, the US military planned to airdrop over France propaganda in the form of Playboy magazine with coded messages hidden in the models' turn-ons and turn-offs. The plan was scrapped because of a staple shortage due to rationing of metal. 16. The "nine lives" attributed to cats is probably due to their having nine primary whiskers. 17. Boys named "Damien" are six times more likely to suffer from mental disorders than average. 18. Element 111 is named "Roentgenium." 19. Tumbaga is an alloy of copper and gold. 20. Pumpkins can vary in color from white to yellow to orange. 21. As you read this, the Moon is moving away from us. Each year, the Moon steals some of Earth's rotational energy, and uses it to propel itself about 3.8 centimeters higher in its orbit. Researchers say that when it formed, the Moon was about 14,000 miles (22,530 kilometers) from Earth. It's now more than 280,000 miles, or 450,000 kilometers away. 22. In a recent Florida court case, a man resisting arrest charged the officer involved for using excessive force when his wrist was broken during the application of an Aikido technique. The case reached the Florida State Supreme Court which ruled that the offender broke his own wrist by resisting the technique. 23. Your arm is stronger when you relax it. 24. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. 25. The Moon is not round (or spherical). Instead, it's shaped like an egg. If you go outside and look up, one of the small ends is pointing right at you. And the Moon's center of mass is not at the geometric center of the satellite; it's about 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) off-center. Written By: Blackmage 172 Edited By: Fullmetal Shinobi Coded By: Hoof NoobQuest |