Welcome To The December Edition!

It has been a good month here at The Villager. With the hustle and bustle of my messy office, filled to the brim with things that need looking at, people who want to join (no-one open the closet! I managed to persuade someone, or something, into applying, but it’s very vicious!) and all those cups of coffee to keep me up on those long nights.
We would like to welcome bobstean18, sherbros and outlaw1880 to the villager team, we hope you all have a great time and write many a good article! Remember, if you want to join, then just give me a pm and I’ll check your account out and feed you to the... I mean put you in the closet to look at later.

There are also some great reads this month, such as Since I Was Gone’s ‘The Amazing 51’ and Thyross’s Mod Interviews. I hope you all enjoy reading them as much as I did!

We will have some welcome surprises for you all this some even from some well-known rune village people!

As you may have also noticed, The Villager, and the real life Villager (headed by Petrenks) have merged. I hope that by bringing you all news from around the real, runescape and rune village world, you’ll find out paper that bit more interesting! I would also like to congratulate Petrenks and Monk Basher on their promotions to editors; I hope you can fulfil your potential as much as I have seen you do in the past!

I would also like to congratulate Runevillage, hiker and the administration on the third year running! That’s three years of the best runescape related site on the web! I hope there are many more to come!

I would also like to point out the great article written by … on the rune village birthday party. Enielle and the birthday team did a great job! Read the article to find out more!

A lot of things have been happening in runescape too, the mighty dagganoth daddies’s have revealed themselves, and now players can fight with friends against them in the dark damp depths of the Water birth island caves. But be warned, these are no ordinary creatures, even fremnick warriors struggled against them, some are even trapped!

I hope everyone remembered to buy their poppies for remembrance day. And everyone had a safe Halloween trick or treating and bonfire night celebration! Apart from a small incident in a nearby town of mine, bonfire night was great! I hope you all locked your pet’s in-doors though! They might look tough, but even dogs can be scared of the fireworks if they don’t know what’s causing them.

Thanks for reading the villager, and I hope you all have a great Christmas! Be expecting a new face around the villager coming soon to a puzzle near you!

Trendyhaz [ Editor in Chief ]
Frogger [ Head HTML and Website Design ]
Poison333 [ Head HTML and Website Design ]
Monk Basher [ Editor ]
Petrenks [ Editor's Assitant ]

P.S. If you want to join the Villager Staff please PM Trendyhaz on the Forums.