Mod Profiles -Thyker
Mod Profiles is a new monthly section of the villager. If you are a admin, mod, or staff and want to be in next months issue of
mod profiles or would like to give a quote about next months mod, please pm Sherbros.

General Information Name: Thyker
Real Life Name: Gary
Position: Chat Moderator
Mod since: August 4th, 2005
Date Joined RV: 4th of November, 2003
Country: United States
State: Maryland
Birthday: February 18
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Interview Section

Random Color Code; Pink=Interviewer, Gold=Interviewed Person

[Sherbros] When you log on forums, what is the first forum you look at?
[Thyker] Well, usually mod forums, see whats new, y'know, then I check out the RS Quests and Treasures Forum
[Sherbros] What is your funniest memory you have on forums or chat?
[Thyker] Funniest? Wow that's hard, theres so many, well, probably long ago when frizoid and enielle
were unbanned and the quote [Frizoid] *collects the dis-membered man-bits off the floor and makes meatballs and spaggetti*
[Meepster] mmmm. came up in the chat, it isn't as funny as a quote, but at that time it was HILARIOUS
[Sherbros] If you could be any admin for a day, which would you be?
[Thyker] Probably meepster, he's very fun to be around and gets to do a lot, he does have a lot of responsibilities though, but hey,
its only a day
[Sherbros] Do you play runescape?
[Thyker] Not for a while, but then I realized today that I haven't played in 6 months and I'm going to start up again
[Sherbros] What is the most annoying thing that happened to you on runescape?
[Thyker] How whenever I go on a Freeplay server there are a bunch of people that follow me around asking for free stuff.
[Sherbros] Have you ever changed your rv name?
[Thyker] once, on forums I was thyker, and I had it changed to Thyker.
[Sherbros] Why did you choose Thyker as your name?
[Thyker] Long story behind that.
[Sherbros] I love long stories! (rolls eyes)
[Thyker] In 5th grade I had a friend over at my house and we were playing the Sims, and we both made characters of
ourselves, only with different names, he named himself Tidus from FFX, or something like that, but I couldn't think of
something so he suggested "Thyker", later i found out that Thyker was some guy that helped some ship guy, Colombus
or Leif Erikson or someone. Ever since that I've called myself Thyker on every thing from then on.
[Sherbros] What are your hobbies besides rv?
[Thyker] well at the moment, I like to play lots of games,] such as Half Life 2, Counter Strike and Metal Gear Solid
[Sherbros] What is your favorite sport?
[Thyker] i don't like many sports, but if Track & Field counts as a sport, then that.
[Sherbros] What is your favorite subject in school?
[Thyker] either Band or Math, Bands fun, but I'm good in Math.
[Sherbros] What instrument do you play in band?
[Thyker] The Trumpet.
[Sherbros] We all need to know this one, what is your favorite kind of food?
[Thyker] Pizza.
[Sherbros] Make sure you all make him runescape pizzas on his birthday (coming up soon!)

What other villagers have to say about Thyker!

Silverfox16- “Thyker is an entertaining and amusing chat mod to have. He's willing to take
a joke and is quite okay with returning the favor. Definitely a fun mod to be around. =)”

Pizzatsf23- “Thyker muted me for nothing and I loved it”

Purpender- “THYKER OWNS”


Written by: Sherbos
Proofed by: Monk Basher
Coded by: Nibel/HawaiiGopher