
Site Leader: Frogger

Site Assistant: Poison333

Site Banner:

Site Description: IFrogger is a FREE phpBB forum host. We offer fast reliable dedicated servers that help you with your needs. is owned and ran by Frogger from runevillage, all runevillagers are welcome to create your own forum and hang out at other villager's forums. If you have any questions about the service to can contact frogger in the "Speak Out" area, which will bring you to his Private Message Area. Remember you have to be regestered and logged in to contact him. You can visit out site at and you can sign up here.

Site Url:


The Clan Site

Shady Fellows

Site Leader: countryhick

Site Assistant: fanlotr88

Site Banner: N/A

Site Mascote: N/A

Site Description: a place were runescape and non-runescape chat is welcome

Runescape or non-runescape site: a little of both

Site Url: Here


Site Leader: silabsoft

Site Assistant: silabsoft

Site Banner: N/A

Site Mascote: N/A

Site Description: free image upload

Runescape or non-runescape site: non-runescape site

Site Url: Here

iPaintBall - Hosted by

Site Leader: Ataris

Site Assistant: Kodia

Site Banner: N/A

Site Mascote: N/A

Site Description: Paintball site, discussion, help, everything you need.

Runescape or non-runescape site: Non-runescape

Site Url: Here


Off Topic - Hosted by

Site Leader: warfangmage

Site Assistant: N/A

Site Banner: N/A

Site Mascote: N/A

Site Description: General discussion basicly and has some things that are on this site to and about your hobbies

Runescape or non-runescape site: Both

Site Url: Here


Born From Death (BFD)

Clan Leader: Simco Townie, Lozzydaozzy

Clan Assistant: N/A

Clan Mascot: N/A

Requirements: level 80+, or 75 with 70 mage/range, even if you dont make the requirements, still apply because we are a friendly clan and like to welcome everybody.

Clan Description: A new clan that wants to move up in the world of runescape, if you are not going to be commited to the clan, need'nt bother appying. This is because we are serious abut this clan, and didnt make the clan within half hour, it took us time and dedication to create the forums etc. NOTE: since we are a new clan, the higher ranking are not taken up, this ill give you more chance to get higher in the ranks faster.

Members and Non-Members

The Clan Site

"The Balance"

Clan Leader: Wile ECoyote

Clan Assistant: B/A

Clan Mascot: Evil Chicken

Requirements: Must be a minimum of thirty years of age.

Clan Description: A group of crazy adults who like to "Have Fun"!

Members and Non-Members

The Clan Site