Life the universe and everythingLife, the universe and everything A reflection So I am standing at work, bored out of my skull and I started to ponder the eternal complexities of the world we live in. What lies before life, why are we here, what is our ultimate purpose. I mean come on we can�t have just been put here to reproduce and die, and even if the only constant in every person�s life is that one day they will perish, but that cannot be it. Some may argue that we are here to enrich each other�s lives by loving and being good neighbours and looking after each other. Bah, rubbish. What bunch of hippies thought that concept up? Life is hard, it is a dog eat dog world and if we don�t look out for ourselves then nobody else is going to do it for us. Religion. I am personally not a religious man. Fair enough to anybody who wants to commit their life to a belief in the everlasting salvation in the embracing arms of a higher being, however I cannot see how that can possibly work. There are thousands of religions, and not every one of them can be right. Wars have been fought contesting religious ideologies and it just proves that the only thing people are good at is fighting for concepts that are beyond their comprehension. What lies beyond the grave? Well a real cynic would say 6ft of mud and some very happy worms, however in all seriousness we will not know until we do eventually die. Don�t get me wrong, I still believe that there is some form of afterlife and I would label myself as a free thinking agnostic. I do not have to believe in any one God or follow any one religion to be secure in my understanding of the afterlife. Religion, as quoted by Marx is the �opium of the masses.� Religion is the drug that feeds society and gives people a sense of forgiveness for the sins that each of us commit on a daily basis. And so my mind wandered on another tangent, the universe. We as a planet wouldn�t even appear on a map of the universe. If we did it would be like trying to map a grain of sand in Egypt on a map the size of a postage stamp, we are just that small. Is the universe truly eternal though? What the hell is at the end of that eternal black void that we cleverly called space? Space, hmm original. Space is what is left in the mornings after my car leaves my drive. Surely this void that is proportionally unimaginable is more exciting than just �space�. How unimaginative can we be as a race? Next time it gets dark where you live, go somewhere away from a busy city. Somewhere truly pitch black with no light pollution. Look up at the night sky and imagine that what you can see isn�t even 0.000001% of what is out there. All these saps are too busy trying to get into Gods good books, but I am sure if there was a God who out of nothing created the Heavens and the earth, he would have a little bit more to deal with than a child on earth who stole a dollar from his father! I am not condoning stealing or anything but seriously, grow up, look at the big picture. We only get one life; well that�s how we should look at things. One chance to make your mark and one chance to make a difference. I used to really worry about everything really, but after many hours of logical thinking I have found an inner peace. I can finally accept that I am a meaningless spec of dust in terms of the bigger picture, however it is the people who I touch while I am here that matters. Life goes by way too quickly. Each and every one of us will lose someone we care about, and when we are gone people are going to miss us too. Life, the universe and everything. Suddenly its not so scary after all. Written By: Richboi Edited By: Richboi Coded By: Richboi |