Slash! The cold steel cut through the noob's body like a hot knife through butter. The warrior gathered his loot. "Bah, not much. Stupid noob," he said out loud, " what has Runescape come to when a level 50 drops a mere steel plate and a few sardines?" This was The Warrior, the terror of the free worlds, the almighty PKer. It was legend that nobody could kill him. He was said to have no weaknesses. He worked alone.
On this particular day, he was exploring the wilderness region above Varrock. He needed to fish for some food, so he went to the Barbarian Village to catch some trout, when he noticed a level 3 girl, making "=(" faces beside the road. He stopped and asked what was wrong. "My best friend killed me in the wilderness," she sobbed, "and now I have lost all my cabbage!" Of all people, he knew the dangers of the wilderness, and when it comes to trusting people, you have to be careful. He offered to go into the wilderness with her and kill her former friend.
"How much damage could a level 3 do to me?" he thought.
They traveled all day, to the deepest reaches of the wilderness, to avenge the girl. They finally found her friend. He was standing by the member fence, the gate to that unknown zone.
"I have come to avenge hello34532!"
All the boy said was "Lol."
The warrior sensed danger. All of a sudden, people started streaming in from the edge of the minimap! There were at least 10 of them!
He turned to the girl, but she was gone!
He reconized the attackers, they were people he had killed in the wilderness. They were mumbling obscenities and war cries. An unseen signal set them off, they attacked!
They ran down the hill screaming and waving their various weapons, staffs and bows in the air. The warrior managed to fire off three arrows from his oak bow, killing 2 people, before it was knocked out of his hand by a mace. "Slash!" went his trusty steel long sword, and one went down.
"P!-!34r my l33t mag3 sk1ilz" said one, in broken leetspeak, as he fired fire strike after fire strike at the warrior. The warrior pulled his iron dagger out of his backpack and threw it the mage, killing him instantly. The warrior became exhausted as he slashed, stabbed, and punched his way through the seven others. He realized there were probably more, so he ran toward Varrock with 2 hp left.
As he ran, he pondered how he could have been so stupid to let someone trick him so easily. He almost made it to the edge of the wilderness, when the girl who tricked him jumped out from behind some trees.
"No! I am the greatest pker in the free world! No one can kill me! I shall not die like a rat!" All these thoughts went through his brain in the span of one second, as he was stabbed in the neck by an iron dagger.
Even the greatest warrior has a weakness.
Author: deiophobus77
Proofread by: Monk Basher
Coded by: Hpotter114