An address to our valued readers from the Chief Editor
Dear Readers,
Bloody hell, huh? Over the last month Zeta Animus, Tom and I have been working our socks off to bring much needed changes to The Villager.
First off, we are going to change how often we release The Villager. Since 2004 we have been bringing you a new edition once a month, but we feel this is too often and decreases our quality. From now on we are going to be releasing new editions of The Villager on a quarterly basis; 21st March, 21st June, 21st September, 21st December. Within these issues we will add content that relates to holidays that fall within these months. For example, St Patrick’s day and Easter fall near to the Spring Edition, so the Spring Edition will include articles themed around these holidays. When a holiday falls too far away from a regular edition release, a special issue will be prepared just for the occasion.
Secondly, we have a new layout! Zeta Animus and Tom have been working together to get this put together, and I have to admit, it looks amazing! I want to formally say “Thank You” to both of them for all of their hard work! This layout appears very simple, so it’s easy to navigate and you won’t get lost easy!
Next up, how will we deliver The Villager to you? Previously we would place a Global Announcement on the Forums, but this could cause problems with people not seeing the announcement. So from now on we will be emailing it directly to you! You can be the first person to read The Villager, without the hassle of scouting around for it! We will be asking you to subscribe to The Villager and, thanks to a little help from Nate (Frogger), you will receive the latest edition of The Villager the day it is released!
Last but not least, The Villager is no longer centred around Runevillage. We have expanded our target audience to other fansites, including Tip.It, RuneHQ and Runevillage. With this we hope to not only increase our readers, but also the quality of our articles by receiving feedback from the entire RuneScape community.
We hope that you will aid us in our quest to increase the popularity of The Villager.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to email myself and Zeta Animus at the following email address -