Spot The Error #16

By Jaron

A bunch of you solved last month's puzzle more easily than I thought! In the picture of Omega getting 99 HP, Grackman's line was said over Clan Chat, which I edited from red to blue. (If you said the "[Rv]" was edited in, I suppose that counts too, but it wasn't exactly what happened.) Either way, congratulations if you were able to solve it.

As part of a required test protocol, my love for Portal among other things (like, you know, YGO:TAS,) requires that I do at least one Portal gag for a Spot the Error picture. I took Blackmage and Rogueaudrea up on their offer to help me out, but since Rogue didn't have a Sheep Paintball Blaste--I mean, Portal gun, Blackmage went and got a gender change instead. So it's me as GLaDOS and Rogueaudrea as the non-speaking Morality Core in this month's puzzle, which you can find by clicking here!

They then trapped me with my Lesser Magic Rings and made me dance for them. =( Oh well. Thanks again, Rogueaudrea and Blackmage!

See you next month!