Interview with Gamestar

By Dr Henry

Why did you decide to join the Villager?
To get power! *muwhaha* Uh, it really was just to help out RV. I wanted something to do, and The Villager was there.

Why do you think that you are Editor-in-Chief?
Because nobody else was really suited for the job. Really. Sounds Ego-tistic, I know, but I basically run The Villager before I was made EIC so I knew everything inside and out.

What is it like to be a Staff Leader?
Its pretty cool. Nothing special though. We get our own forum but its never active.

When was the last time you saw a Doctor, and why?
Last week, actually. I have muscle pain around my heart and a trapped Blood Vessel on my side.

What is the strangest habit that you have?
Hmm... I say "Aye" a lot, which is weird because its an Irish word yet I'm not Irish. If I'm happy then I tend to drum random things, though I'm not a drummer.

If you are stuck on a deserted island with nothing but the clothes on your back, which two villagers would you want with you?
Rocky Martin and Whydidijoin. Imagine the fun we would have.

What is your favourite byline from a film?
Dodgeball - Grab Life by the Balls!
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - He's the best there is! (Actually, he's the only one there is.)
Austin Powers: Goldmember - He's still evil... He's still deadly... and he's still surrouded by frickin' idiots!

Have you ever eaten Pet Food? If so, what type and did you like it?
Yes. Yes I have. I have eaten the chocolate hamster treats that you can buy. Lets just say it tasted NOTHING like chocolate.

Apple Juice, Orange Juice or Doughnut Juice? I'd drink some Doughnut Juice.
But I prefer to drink Orange. Unless its early in the morning and I've just brushed my teeth. In which case Apple all the way.

How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck if a wood-chuck could chuck wood?

Why do you have the name 'Gamestar' when you are obviously not a star?
Why do you have the name 'Dr Henry' when you are obviously not cool?
