Clan Wars

By H K

I feel the strong wind blowing back my long tied back hair. I can sense the fear of my teammates on either side of me. As I look to my left, I see Paidea clutching his left elbow. I quietly ask him what is wrong, not wanting to alert the rest of the team to his injury, as it would only cause further fear. Paidea tells me how on the last fight he was badly injured. He moves his arm away from the wound what I see horrifies me. The wound is that familiar of a poisoned dragon dagger. About 4 inches long, and an inch wide; the cut was widening as well. The blood drips from his elbow down to the floor. As I take a closer look into the wound Muller senses something is wrong and comes over to inquire into the incident. We try to shield the wound but we don't do it quickly enough. Muller catches a quick glimpse and wants to see more. We decide to show him as long as he keeps it secret from the rest of the team. As Muller goes in for a closer look I turn to the others and tell them to carry on walking. As I turn back to Paidea and Muller, Muller looks worried. I ask him what is wrong and he quicky explains that the wound has been infected by the poison of the dragon dagger. All three of us shoot worried looks at each other; we all know whats coming. None of us have brought any antipoison potions with us. What could we do?

Muller runs along to the rest of the team to wait for the game to start. I sit with Paidea and talk with him for a while, knowing these could be the last words he would ever hear. I talk with him about family, friends, and past times. You know, the stuff you talk about when somebody is dying in your arms. I look back down at the wound. The are where the poison settled had turned black and was still expanding. We both know that as soon as the gates dropped, the other team would show no mercy and directly target the injured Paidea from the word "Go." We sit and talk for another thirty seconds and then hear the sound we both dreaded. The crunching sound of the gates dropping . We both slowly turn our heads toward the sound of the gates to see both teams' scimitars clashing together in a furious battle. We sit and watch for another 30 seconds.

I look back down at Paidea; his eyes are closed. His pulse as faint as a drumming woodlouse.

A few seconds later, I hear the running footsteps of a soldier storming towards us. Thinking it is one of the other team coming to slaughter us, I reach for my longsword and confidently swoop it from its sheath. The soldier falls back flat on his feet, taken aback by the sight of my sword. I instantly see that it is Muller and sheath my sword. Muller has a green potion hanging from his belt. I look at him. He looks at me and smiles. Muller drops down on his feet and starts pouring the green liquid down Paidea's throat. Seconds later we see the effects of the potion on Paideas elbow. The blackness has starting to clear up, and the wound is beginning to heal. We all smile, feeling as if we have won.

Far away, an archer pulls back the string on his bow. He feels the tingling sensation in his fingers. The same sensation you get when you arer about to kill a man, or three...