RuneVillage and RuneHQ

Ever hear people on Runescape telling others to use RuneHQ and you'd get ticked off saying that site sucks, or hear the old things done on RuneHQ? Such as the banning of random RuneVillagers. It's been for almost forever that RuneHQ and RuneVillage have had a sort of an enemy bond. I, myself, would still be a major anti-RuneHQer if it hadn't been from what I heard.

How did my views change? At first it was because Jackstick was talking about how he couldn't be a RuneHQ Moderator since he was a RuneVillage Moderator, read that sentence once, at first you get a bad impression and say "They don't accept someone because he's a Moderator on RuneVillage?" The fact he was a Moderator on this specific Forums has nothing to do with it, it is rather the fact that he can't really be devoted with a Moderator Rank on two large Forums and there are others who can devote time to just RuneHQ which is what they'd need.


So, I can already smell some nice fried flaming heading straight towards me from about 1,000,000,000 RuneVillagers. I can already predict what will be said, "RuneHQ bans people for being Members of RuneVillage." Ever heard of rumors? Even if that was true at one point it is no longer true, I registered to RuneHQ in April and stated I was a RuneVillager in my signature, I come back about a year later and I'm not banned.

What about being strict and the fonts that resemble this 'No doing [insert something]!!!' At first that may appear not kind at all and very mean but it is actually to get the point across. Why not get the point across nicely? They have tried in the past and it did not work, the spammers and flamers came from everywhere so they had to take further measurements and they got so they got there point across with very eye-catching font color and structure.

Oh and I know another reason why people would flame me and call me a great big doo doo idiot for not hating RuneHQ, RuneHQ being immature and non-accepting to RuneVillagers. Well...

We're actually the non-accepting ones, a perfect example was the day I originally typed this article. A Moderator of RuneHQ, Julia, had gone into RuneVillage Chat stating she was a Moderator on RuneHQ. A majority of the members started to flame her or say stuff about RuneHQ "sucking." Later I went into RuneHQ Chat pretending I was a RuneVillage Staff, what I heard were things like:

"I posted my Fake Images on there, I got good ratings!"

"RuneVillage... what's that?"

"Oh yeah, I registered there once..."

Those were all actually statements said there. The Moderator I had a discussion with didn't even say any negative things about the Village even though she had been flamed and non-accepted there. Wait, so maybe it's not the Moderators or the Members you don't like... it's the Admins in some cases. Well, all I can say is I've seen some Admins on here (who I won't state) who have acted a bit jerky at times.

So in the end I think we should just forget the past and accept the fact that RuneHQ is just another Runescape Forum like ours and we should just get along with each other. You know, like World Peace but with Runescape Fan sites, fo sho? :O

Side Notes to this Article:
- If in the beginning I gave a bad impression of Jackstick, sorry about that, he actually (I think) wants RuneVillage and RuneHQ to get along as I do.
- I WILL pull a Martin Luther King on j00 if you flame me about this!
- That is all... for now...

Written By: HawaiiGopher
Edited By: Le Petrenks
Coded By: HawaiiGopher